Asinan serut or liquid fruit salad

Here in Indonesia, people love Asinans and Rujaks.
Rujaks are cut fruits and raw vegetables, served with a thick palm sugar sauce.( will put up recipe soon) .
An Asinan has fruit or vegetable,which are marinated in a tangy, spicy sweet syrup. And sort of pickled.
These can be bottled and kept upto 2 weeks, depending on the fruits and vegetables used.  Asinans vary from region to region. Todays recipe is ASINAN SERUT( Grated fruit Asinan )

The recipe I will share with you is an instant fusion Asinan. Fusion because I have added young coconut strips, which is not normally added, but I love the taste of it.😊 this recipe is very forgiving, you can add or omit any fruits, you can either chop the fruits or grate.
You can use this as a palate cleanser, amuse bouche,  between courses or even before meals to give your appetite an edge😊.
Best served chilled.

1st step..syrup.
Take 500 ml of water in a pan,( can use the water from coconut, as I have done)
add paste of 3 red chillies( can reduce or increase as per your choice)

5 tbsps of sugar
3 tbsp of vinegar.
1/4 tsp salt.

Boil till sugar melts, for about 5 mins.

Cool completely. .

To this add
1/2 cup grated semi ripe mango
1/2 cup grated cucumber with the skin
1/2 cup young drinking coconut, cut into thin strips.
1/2 cup grated apple.

Mix everything and let sit in the refrigerator for a few hours.

Serve in small glasses
Topped with some peanuts, and chopped red chillie.

Enjoy this refreshing liquid salad chilled.